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Benito Owusu Bio |
Some commercial drivers of Atwima Nwabiagya North District in Ashanti region are boiling with rage against what they have described as a repulsive delivery by the Member of Parliament for the area Hon Benito Owusu Bio.
Snippets of intelligence gathered by the editorial head of GHANA BULLETIN ONLINE reveals an undertone of tension which gathering momentum against the Member of Parliamentary.
Hon Benito’s chances of retaining his Parliamentary seat come 2020 electioms per information gathered is likely to suffer a shipwreck consequent to what many have identified as his prolonged failure in expediting action needed to address pressing challenges suffocating people within his area of jurisdiction.
Most commercial drivers operating at Asuofua, Achiase and Amoaman according to our sources are currently lazing their boots to stage a protest against him owing to the sad reality that he has been weak in facilitating the construction of bad roads.
The member of Parliament is reported to have given a number of assurance at public gatherings visavis the fixing of the poor road network all in the name of cooling down the temper of drivers and residents.
According to an aggrived taxing driver who operates from Asuofua to Amoaman, Hon Benito has been flattering that roads liking Asuofuo to Achiase and Amoaman have been awarded on contract and that the contractor was soon going to commence constructional works.
“For close to seven months now we have not even sighted a single Earth moving equipment on our road not to talk of the commencement of it’s construction”, he said.
Mr. Asomailah Darko who is the spokesperson for Asuofua Commercial Drivers Association disclosed to this journalist that what provoked them was a fallacious comment made by the MP on radio station in Kumasi.
He alledged that he at one time overheard Hon Benito bragging on a radio program that he (MP) has well developed Atwima Nwabiagya North and that there is no way he will be contested by any candidate in the next elections.
Hon Benito he alleged bragged on the airwaves that he will go unopposed due to his excellent delivery in the district.
Mr. Asomaila set the record straight that none of the aforesaid claims made by the MP carried an iota of truth.
He averred that the Member of Parliament since he assumed office for close to twenty years now cannot pinpoint a single project in the district as his initiative.
“I see him as an opportunist who wants to feed on our electoral votes to amass fortunes for himself…I want to challenge him to come out publicly and identify projects in the district which were set up through his facilitation. He is a big disgrace to Atwima Nwabiagya North” one taxi driver roared.
Scary potholes which characterise the road network of Achiase, Asuofua and Amoaman make driving difficult during rainy season.
The negative impact on vichicles according to the spokesperson has discouraged most taxi drivers from plying the road.
Prior to the above agitations, residents in a vox pop interview expressed regret for casting their votes to retain Hon Benito Owusu Bio in office.
GHANA BULLETIN can state authoritatively that the Member of Parliament is gradually loosing the confidence of residents premised on his failure to redeem majority of deprived communities from challenges related to bad road network.
Bad nature of the road network has made life uncomfortable for residents especially those of Amoaman.
Some residents of Amoaman who spoke to GHANA BULLETIN ONLINE disclosed that “we often walk on foot to the next town (Achiase) especially in the afternoon before getting a commercial vehicle and the situation is even worse on Sundays. We sometimes walk to church and return home on foot. Due to the nature of our road the frequency of the flow of commercial vehicles is very abysmal”.
Other aggrieved occupants claimed that they are not sure the above listed communities fall within the jurisdiction of Hon Benito Owusu Bio, owing to the fact that he has done nothing to address the poor road network since he assumed office, not even a single project.
Hon Benito has done nothing for this community for the past sixteen years”.
“He always make claims that the road has been awarded on contract but we don’t see any sign of it”, a resident cried out.
“It was even through the lobbying skills of Hon Muntakar Mubarak which led to the construction of the road linking Asuofua to Asamang” a taxi driver revealed.
For most of the embittered youth who are warming up to thumb Hon Benito out of power come 2020 general elections, the long stay of the MP in office has yielded no benefit to the district.
“We were expecting him to fast track the construction of our bad roads after the demarcation of the district but it appears he is still asleep on duty”, they disclosed.
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